The Influence of Marketing Relationship and Service Quality on Customer Loyalty of Sharia Savings Products (Case Study of BMT Mekah Mekar Barokah Bojonegoro)
Endah Emiarti *
Al Rosyid Islamic College of Economics and Business, Bojonegoro, Indonesia.
Al Rosyid Islamic College of Economics and Business, Bojonegoro, Indonesia.
*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
This study aims to improve and strengthen customer loyalty towards Sharia savings products at BMT Mekah Mekar Barokah Bojonegoro. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to determine the influence of marketing relationship and service quality on member loyalty of Sharia savings products at BMT Mekah Mekar Barokah Bojonegoro. This research uses purposive sampling with 45 respondents who are members of sharia savings products from 2020 to 2022. This type of research is descriptive-quantitative through correlational analysis or looking for the influence between independent variables on the dependent variable using statistical calculations. From the results of this test it can be concluded that marketing relationship has a direct effect on member loyalty by 30.2%. Service quality has a direct effect on member loyalty by 25.4%. And marketing relationship on service quality is 10.8%.
Keywords: Marketing relationships, service quality, member loyalty